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10 Clean White Mobile & Lightroom - 5927107

автор: jezla  |  27-02-2021, 01:33  |  Просмотров: 156    

10 Clean White Mobile & Lightroom - 5927107

10 Clean White Mobile & Lightroom - 5927107

Lrtemplate XMP DNG | 17 mb

·White is the color of purity and innocence, Our soul enters this world with light and a white conscience. Over time, as a result of our contact with others, Misfortunes, Illnesses and Everyday problems Cause dark spots to affect the whiteness and brightness of our souls. Meditation, Helping others and being kind to others removes these dark stains from our being. With the expertise and experience of our technical team, we make the dark and low light themes of your images, Bright and clear with the help of our products. This pleasure, dedicated to you. Please read COMPATIBILITY before download.
·10? ?ACR presets? (.?xmp files?)?
·10 Desktop Lightroom Presets (.lrtemplate files)
·10 Mobile Lightroom Presets (.dng files)
·Lightroom 4, 5, 6, 7, CC (Creative Cloud) and Lightroom Classic
·Compatible with both Mac and PC
·?For ACR Presets?: ?Photoshop CC? ?and above(with Adobe Camera Raw 6.6? ?and later?)?
·Works on RAW and JPEG images
·Adobe Lightroom Mobile
·Works with & without Adobe subscription
Compatible with iPhone or Android device



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