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The 21 Sketch Canvas Photoshop Actions

автор: jezla  |  18-03-2021, 02:14  |  Просмотров: 146    

The 21 Sketch Canvas Photoshop Actions

The 21 Sketch Canvas Photoshop Actions

ATN | 1 Mb


Creating a beautiful sketch painting involves a lot of time and effort, but now you can do that within a few seconds!
Introducing the realistic 21 Sketch Canvas Photoshop Action Bundle which has 21 exclusive Photoshop actions that can turn your photos into a hand-drawn realistic sketch painting in no time.
The actions are thoroughly tested on a wide range of photos to ensure maximum compatibility.
10 realistic sketch effects photoshop actions
100% non-destructive actions
Compatible with both Mac and PC
Works on RAW and JPEG images
Well documented instructions and video tutorials are included
Compatible with Photoshop CS3+
Product Terms:
The actions can be used on both Mac and Windows versions of Photoshop
Compatible with Photoshop CS3+ and Photoshop Elements.
The bundle is delivered as an instant download once you place your order.
All the actions in this bundle can be used for both personal and commercial purposes, for yourself or on behalf of a client, or as part of your new design for sale.
The products in this bundle cannot be resold, shared, transferred, or otherwise redistributed on its own.



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Материалы, размещенные на сайте www.fotovideoeffect.com, принадлежат авторам, которые их разместили.
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