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16 Neon Land Mobile & Desktop Lightroom Presets

автор: jezla  |  13-05-2021, 00:16  |  Просмотров: 141    

16 Neon Land Mobile & Desktop Lightroom Presets

16 Neon Land Mobile & Desktop Lightroom Presets

Lrtemplate DNG | 18 mb

about This Project
Take eye-catching night shots inspired by the nightlife experience.
Night photos are usually not as good as photos taken during the day and most of them are caused by light and noise.
The Neon Land Preset collection serves you sharp, vivid, and eye-popping visuals and by focusing on the image lights, it gives a different mood to your images.
It amplifies colors and contrasts at night, making it ideal to use in nightclubs and street fashion. If you’re not up for a party, these presets also work great for urban, travel, lifestyle, and everything in between. Create amazing edits like a pro with the Neon Land collection. Your Instagram feed will thank you for it!
This pack includes 16 presets that 8 of them suitable for portraits and other presets suitable for urban landscapes, which leaves you free for the level of change.
So, take pictures with peace of mind at night and in low light and leave the work to Neon Land.

This set includes
16 Unique Lightroom Mobile presets (.dng file)
1 installation guide for Lightroom Mobile preset (.pdf file)
16 Unique Lightroom Desktop Preset (.lrtemplate file)
1 installation guide for Desktop Lightroom presets (.pdf file)



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