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10 Photoshop Actions Neo Copper ACR Presets LUT Presets - 1370623

автор: jezla  |  17-05-2021, 13:36  |  Просмотров: 144    

10 Photoshop Actions Neo Copper ACR Presets LUT Presets - 1370623

10 Photoshop Actions Neo Copper ACR Presets LUT Presets - 1370623


10 Photoshop Actions Neo Copper ACR Presets LUT Presets Ps Actions Instagram Blogger Presets Influencer Creamy Rose Gold Photoshop 3motional Bright & Airy Soft Natural Pastel Pink Indoor Photography

Pro Copper adds a rose gold, warm glow, and luxurious theme to your amateur pictures and makes them professional. These Photoshop Actions Are perfect for fashion lifestyle, family, children, influencers, selfies, weddings, indoor, portraits, engagements, home blogging, and interior decor photos. These ACR Presets give your photos a glossy, cream look, pastel, golden vibes, and soft skin.
Finally, they can influence your Instagram bloggers, so it is the best way to affect your social media presence and amuse followers with them. simply you also can add copper to your shots easily and control your editing in just a few clicks. We are hopeful that you can edit every photo in the rose gold theme (including in day and night) by those presets.

??10 Photoshop action (.atn files)
??10 ACR presets (.xmp files)
??10 LUT Prests (.cube files)



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