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CreativeMarket - Acrylic Canvas Painting 5990448

автор: jezla  |  21-05-2021, 23:49  |  Просмотров: 180    

CreativeMarket - Acrylic Canvas Painting 5990448

CreativeMarket - Acrylic Canvas Painting 5990448


Acrylic Canvas Painting Photoshop Actions
This is the first time we have created Acrylic Canvas Painting Photoshop Action, Very colorful and you can easily use it works in all sizes of images but if you work within a certain size you will get better results, your canvas painting style will be created in one minute without any hassle, We are doing this through Photoshop and our action script in this Photoshop works very well. We have applied in many photos. Result all are same. This is a great one for those who are accustomed to using Photoshop and for those who have not used Photoshop but have Photoshop action on your computer. Is to be customized, Many color options are included. You can easily pick colors and convert different colors.
Not A: Life time Update free
Not B: now price low discount price show nay time price will be update.
In each of our products we have a lot of update options and with a lot of bonus files, if you parse it now, you will get a lot of updates for free later, but we have kept the price for a limited time, after a while we will increase the price now. Buy and use the updates for free.
No skill need just one click make your watercolor art style usage my Photoshop action 100% granted best working and new resource.
About this Photoshop Action item:............................................................
·Photoshop Atn format (action file ) include file
·Photoshop Abr. format (brush file ) include file
·Photoshop Pat. (Pattern file) Format include.
·Video tips how to usage and Custom tips (Video link include download help file )
·Professional results and very easy to use
·All layers can be edited very easily
·All layers are named and placed in groups so you will have full control on each layer and each group
·Working Software Version : CC2015.5 English Version.
Software support version : CS4, Cs5.5, CS6 , CC, CC2015.5, CC2017, CC2018, CC2019,CC2020, CC2021+ Version If you are not using the English version, you can switch your Photoshop in English langue's, play the action and return to your language back agent.



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