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Honey Essence - Actions and Presets - 6119882

автор: jezla  |  29-05-2021, 20:35  |  Просмотров: 148    

Honey Essence - Actions and Presets - 6119882

Honey Essence - Actions and Presets - 6119882

Lrtemplate XMP DNG ATN | 7 mb

The Honey Essence presets are developed to give your images a golden honey vibe with enhanced tan skin tones. This collection is ideal for adding warm and golden glow to your natural looking images. They are absolutely perfect for indoor and outdoor photography, summer and travel photos.

This presets work for photos taken with both a professional camera or with a mobile device like an iphone or android smartphone.

Honey Essence Preset is very easy to use. It doesn't need you to tweak anything. Just one click to give your photos the mood and style. Moreover, you can tweak the individual settings of every presets and customize the preset. This means that your creative possibilities is pretty much unending. For the money, Honey Essence presets is an amazingly great value!

What You'll Get:

07 Lightroom Desktop Presets (.lrtemplate)
07 Lightroom Mobile Presets (.dng)
07 Photoshop Camera Raw Presets (.xmp)
07 Photoshop Actions (.atn)
PDF Installation Guides
Compatible With:

Windows & Mac: Adobe Lightroom 4,5,6, Adobe Lightroom Classic CC, Adobe Photoshop CC, Adobe Camera Raw
Android Devices: Adobe Lightroom CC
Apple iOS Devices: Adobe Lightroom CC
Works With & WITHOUT Adobe subscription



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