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Garden Photoshop Actions - 6264609

автор: jezla  |  29-06-2021, 01:50  |  Просмотров: 151    

Garden Photoshop Actions - 6264609

Garden Photoshop Actions - 6264609

ATN | 1 Mb

Garden Photoshop Actions is a gorgeous and impressive collection of handmade filters to improve and enhance your garden photography within in a click by apply varieties of filters like warm, vibrant, aesthetic, faded, adventurous and stylish tones in your photographs within few clicks. The toning and colors of these filters are usually quite natural and cool for a moody feel, but some filters also beautifully emphasis color and warmth. These actions work in a non-destructive way to achieve a high quality look. Each filter is fully editable, so you can perfect your photo artwork just as you envision it. This collection is well-balanced and perfect for an array of settings for indoor and outdoor photography, wedding photography, urban, portraits, fashion, travel photography, engagement, landscapes, weddings, architecture, food photography, lifestyle, and everything in between.
Actions Features:
·Produce high quality & powerful output for both web & print media.
·1-Click action. It takes a single click to achieve the magic.
·Instructions PDF file included
·Non-destructive Workflow. The original image will remain unchanged.
·Completely experimented & tested in different Photoshop versions.
·Each & every layer is editable & you can tweak nearly everything.
·1 Photoshop Action File
·1 Readme File
·Adobe Photoshop Action
·Creative Cloud
·Software Requirement: Adobe Photoshop CS6 to Creative Cloud (CC 2021)
·Compatible with both a Mac and PC
·Work on RAW and JPEG images
·Can be easily adjusted to fit your image
Installation Instructions are included



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