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Lightroom Presets Natural Film Edit - 3761201

автор: jezla  |  15-11-2021, 02:13  |  Просмотров: 79    

Lightroom Presets Natural Film Edit - 3761201

Lightroom Presets Natural Film Edit - 3761201

Lrtemplate XMP DNG | 49 mb

22 Bright and Airy timeless and modern Lightroom Presets perfect for Instagram, bloggers, weddings, Newborns or those just wanting to make their everyday photos edited like a pro! Designed to have consistency and create a bright theme when editing.
If you are looking for natural colors, minimalistic and modern touch, clean, fantastic skin tones, and beautiful dimensions for professional-level editing, then this set is perfect for you! Brightening and softening presets come packed with a variety of tones for all situations of photography. Careful attention has been paid that while stunning in their effect, the results look natural and subtle.
Filmic light enhancement and glow for emphasized light, dimension and luminosity, eliminating the flat look frequent in digital photography.
Our Instant Lightroom Presets download are professional tools for photo editing, work with all versions of Lightroom: Free Mobile & Lightroom Desktop and with Adobe Photoshop ACR.


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