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25 Retro Film Lightroom Presets LUTs - 7087660

автор: jezla  |  25-03-2022, 11:56  |  Просмотров: 108    


25 Retro Film Lightroom Presets LUTs - 7087660


Flashback to the past with these retro film Lightroom presets. This download gives you 25 presets that make your photos look like they were photographed with vintage film. They're perfect for photos at the beach, with your friends, or any other photos that could use a touch of nostalgia.
Nostalgic and warm, these presets are perfect for adding a touch of retro charm. They work with the Lightroom Mobile app, so you can play around with different retro film styles while relaxing on the beach.
If the preset is too strong, your photos can look wrong. So use the amount slider to fade the look to the perfect level. You'll only see this adjustment if you're using compatible Lightroom presets like these ones.
And finally, don't forget about the skin-protected presets. They recover skin tones and give your selfies and portrait photos more natural skin tones.
If you're looking to give your photos that vintage film feel, then these are the real deal. Download and try them out!
What You'll Get:
·25 Lightroom Desktop & Mobile Presets
·25 Skin Tone Protected Presets
·25 LUTs
25 Skin Tone Protected LUTs


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