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Vintage Offset Printing Effects Kit - 31715

автор: jezla  |  7-10-2022, 09:12  |  Просмотров: 64    

Vintage Offset Printing Effects Kit - 31715

Vintage Offset Printing Effects Kit - 31715

ATN PSD | 141 Mb

Back to the past has never been easier. We've created a little old offset printing machine that reminds us how hard it was to achieve a perfect print registration through proper alignment of printing plates in a press. Although this is already solved, the aesthetics of that time is still inspiring, the displacement and texture of inks is a difficult memory to leave in the past. With this Photoshop Action you can generate a vintage look to almost anything: images of vectorial appearance or spot colors, vectors and typographic treatments.
Correctly apply this action is fast and easy, just make sure to understand the adjustments that you must make when the action required, not forget to check the link to the video tutorial that is in the file Instructions.txt located in the main download file. This action is not required patterns installation.
Content in main file:
·1 Set with 7 Actions for Adobe Photoshop (6 different versions and 1 custom action)
·1 PSD File (named "Vintage Offset Machine")
·1 Pack of 5 Vintage Dry Offset Ink Textures
Instructions File in .txt format (includes a video-tutorial for use the action, recommendations, bad or good results and textures)



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