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Modulated Distort Effect Action - UHP9FZ3

автор: jezla  |  19-11-2023, 02:08  |  Просмотров: 32    

Modulated Distort Effect Action - UHP9FZ3

Modulated Distort Effect Action - UHP9FZ3

ATN | 1 Mb

Designed for those who want to add a touch of analog modulation charm to their digital creations right in Photoshop, the Modulated Distort Action offers a range of retrowave distortion effects.
With just a few clicks, you can achieve glitchy cyber-neon visuals.
The actions are non-destructive, meaning you can experiment with tweaking all the applied filters and effects later. It contains Advanced mode configurable presets with a wide range of parameters you can set while the action performs the rendering steps:
• Define the area with the applied effect.
• Ability to set up the line thickness and density.
• Configure the line's distortion intensity, frequency, and jaggedness.
The product contains a help action that guides you through all the steps and their parameters.
The presets are scaled for 2K and 4K images.



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