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ARTA - Fresh Place Presets for Lightroom - 9SZZ9XR

автор: jezla  |  11-03-2024, 00:52  |  Просмотров: 43    

ARTA - Fresh Place Presets for Lightroom - 9SZZ9XR

ARTA - Fresh Place Presets for Lightroom - 9SZZ9XR

XMP DNG | 1 mb


About ARTA Presets
Lightroom Presets for Mobile and Desktop Lightroom
These presets are perfect for a constant instagram feed in a beautiful style with modern colours for a travel, photography, fashion or lifestyle blogger and anyone who wants to bring their photos to a better quality. These presets are thoroughly created and it is a very good basis for your photos to take them to the next level.
The presets are tested with photos taken with different phones but also with professional DSLR cameras for a better experience for everyone.
Easy to use, you have a text-based tutorial that will help you install the presets.
Compatible with the App Lightroom on iOS / Android, but also on the Desktop Lightroom version.
All ARTA presets are for both versions.
The presets work in the FREE Lightroom App, it does not have to be a subscription.



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