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Deep Green Nature Lightroom Presets Pack - 53215030

автор: jezla  |  14-07-2024, 21:30  |  Просмотров: 19    

Deep Green Nature Lightroom Presets Pack - 53215030

Deep Green Nature Lightroom Presets Pack - 53215030

XMP DNG | 10 mb

Deep Green Nature Lightroom Presets Pack – Bring the lush beauty of nature to your photos with our Deep Green Nature Lightroom Presets Pack. This collection of 8 presets, available in both XMP and DNG formats, is designed to enhance the rich greens and vibrant tones of your outdoor and nature photography, creating stunning and immersive visuals.
Whether you’re a professional photographer or an enthusiast, these presets will help you achieve a polished and captivating look. Ideal for landscapes, nature shots, and outdoor photography, these presets are easy to use and compatible with Adobe Lightroom, Adobe Lightroom Classic, and Adobe Lightroom Mobile.
·Rich Green Enhancements: Includes 8 distinct presets that intensify deep green hues, enhancing the natural beauty and vibrancy of your photos.
·Easy to Apply: Compatible with Adobe Lightroom, Adobe Lightroom Classic, and Adobe Lightroom Mobile, these presets can be applied with a single click, streamlining your editing process.
·Professional Quality: Designed to bring out the best in your nature photos, these presets offer professional-grade edits that highlight the lush, green aesthetic of your images.
·Flexible Formats: Available in both XMP and DNG formats, ensuring compatibility with both desktop and mobile versions of Lightroom.



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