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50 Celestial LUT Collection - 281823313

автор: jezla  |  25-08-2024, 22:19  |  Просмотров: 33    

50 Celestial LUT Collection - 281823313

50 Celestial LUT Collection - 281823313

Lrtemplate XMP CUBE | 34 mb

Quickly create an amazing cinematic film grade using these LUTs with only a few clicks. These color-grading LUTs are designed to create beautiful, cinematic film tones for your photos and videos.
Each LUT has been crafted to look great with a wide variety of images and videos. In many instances, you will be able to achieve a great result instantly. However, you can always make adjustments, such as increasing or decreasing intensity, adjusting contrast, and more, to suit individual photos and video clips.
·You can use these LUTs to color-correct your videos and photos quickly and professionally.
·Compatible with Mac and Windows.
·Easily adjustable to fit your image.
·This bundle comes with an extended commercial license, which means you can use these effects again and again to create stunning designs for yourself and your clients!
·High-quality LUTs that allow you to color correct your photos or videos in a few clicks.



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