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Modern Art Multi Color Shade Action - 290777749

автор: jezla  |  14-12-2024, 01:06  |  Просмотров: 27    

Modern Art Multi Color Shade Action - 290777749

Modern Art Multi Color Shade Action - 290777749

ATN | 10 Mb

The Modern Art Multi Color Shade Photoshop Action is a dynamic tool designed to bring vibrant, abstract effects to your images. Perfect for artists and designers, this action transforms your photos into stunning, multi-colored works of art, resembling acrylic or oil paintings with a contemporary twist. Whether you're creating a bold portrait, a colorful sketch, or an abstract design, this action enhances your image with unique brushstrokes and vivid hues, mimicking the fluidity of real paint on canvas. Ideal for digital art, comics, and creative projects, the action works seamlessly in Photoshop to apply a variety of effects, from smooth gradients to energetic, expressive splashes of color. With just one click, it turns ordinary images into eye-catching, artistic masterpieces. Ideal for anyone looking to add a modern, artistic flair to their work, the Modern Art Multi Color Shade action is a must-have for any creative toolkit. Transform your photos into a canvas of colorful expression today!
Products information & File Include:
·Photoshop Atn format (action file ) include file
·Photoshop Pat (Pattern file) Format includes.
·Helpfile includes how to usage
·Well-documented instructions included
·Easy to use one-click actions
·Professional results and very easy to use
·You can Edit All layers Easily
·All layers are organized, named, and placed in groups to have complete control over each layer and each group.
Product Terms:
·My Working Software Version:
·CC2015.5 English Version.
·These actions can use Your Design on both Mac and Windows versions of Photoshop. on Mac and Windows versions.
·Compatible with Photoshop CC2015.5, CC2017, CC2018, CC2019, CC2020, CC2021, CC2022, CC2023+ English Version.



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