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Botanica Portrait Lightroom Presets - 290871441 - G9S3EK2

автор: jezla  |  5-01-2025, 16:12  |  Просмотров: 15    

Botanica Portrait Lightroom Presets - 290871441 - G9S3EK2

Botanica Portrait Lightroom Presets - 290871441 - G9S3EK2

XMP DNG | 2 mb

Elevate your portrait photography with Botanica Portrait Presets – a meticulously crafted collection designed to bring out the natural beauty and subtle details of your images. Inspired by the soft hues and organic textures of nature, these presets cover 3 seasons and combine earthy tones, gentle highlights, and rich, vibrant greens to create a timeless, ethereal look.
Botanica presets are specially designed to adapt seamlessly across three key seasons—spring, summer, and fall—capturing the unique essence of each while maintaining a consistent and flattering portrait style. This seasonal adaptability ensures that your portraits feel naturally connected to their environment while highlighting your subject’s features beautifully throughout the year. Whether in a blooming garden, sun-drenched field, or under a canopy of autumn leaves, Botanica delivers consistent results tailored to the mood of each season.

Includes Presets:
·Botanica 01 - Subtle Portrait
·Botanica 02 - Intense Portrait
·Botanica 03 - Spring Portrait
·Botanica 04 - Dramatic Portrait
·Botanica 05 - Summer Portrait
·Botanica 06 - Serene Portrait
·Botanica 07 - Autumn Portrait



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