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GraphicRiver - Professional Retouching Actions Kit 3224028

автор: GFXander  |  7-02-2015, 02:53  |  Просмотров: 69 797    

GraphicRiver - Professional Retouching Actions Kit 3224028

GraphicRiver - Professional Retouching Actions Kit 3224028
Photoshop ATN | Minimum Adobe CS Version: CS3 | 39 Kb

TUTORIAL: http://bit.ly/retouchtut

Save hours! This set of 5 actions will help you speed up most common retouching tasks, while avoiding plastic look and preserving skin-texture details. Easy to use actions that can deal with even very bad skin with natural result. Actions you will, actually use!

What is inside:

"Quick skin" action - With this action you can do very fast skin clean-up and softening without loosing any detail. Its very forgiving, not reqire precise masking - you can paint over edges. Its also totally customizable, you can control every detail and get result that fits your taste.

"Magic brush" action - Really magic action that reduce freckles, wrinkles etc. Its also awesome for additional smoothening. You just need to try what can it do for you.

"Light powder" action - natural, fresh skin tone softening to add some life to your portraits.

"Eye doctor" action - precisly made tool for eye whitening an adding subtle pop to iris.

"Dentist" action - very fast, natural teeth whitening. Does not require precise masking.


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