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Torn-O-Matic | Edge Modification Kit - 975130

автор: jezla  |  16-11-2016, 00:08  |  Просмотров: 22 385    

Torn-O-Matic | Edge Modification Kit - 975130

Torn-O-Matic | Edge Modification Kit - 975130

PSD, ATN, ABR, EPS | 130 mb

what you get:
•50 Torn Edges (EPS and ABR files): 30 Subtle, 10 Heavy, and 10 Extreme - Each unique and ripped by hand. Both vector (EPS) and raster (ABR and PSD) versions are included.
•1 Ripped From the Headlines Smart PSD: An easy-to-use PSD file with 11 smart object layers for you to paste your artwork into. Whether you use all 11 layers or only a few, the possibilities are endless with how you choose to make it your own. Plus it's print-ready at 11" x 8.5" and 300dpi.
•3 Torn-O-Matic Torn Edge Actions: Create your own torn edges from scratch with this set of 3 actions (Subtle, Heavy, and Extreme). All it takes is one click and POOF, you've got yourself a genuine torn edge without any paper cuts! Plus the actions are non-destructive so you can always turn off the effect if you change your mind.
•8 Tornograph Circular Brushes: This set of 8 brushes gives you supreme control when it comes to creating the perfect torn edge. Whether you need to tweak an existing torn edge or want to rip that boring straight edge to shreds, these brushes give you the freedom to do it all. They are optimized for maximum flexibility and usage. Each brush rotates at random with every click making it easy to give every edge a unique shape. Also, the brushes can easily be used with a graphics tablet, giving you the ability to literally draw/paint your edges, resulting in a more organic, fluid-looking torn edge.


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