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Illustrator Artist's Brush Anthology 5030812

автор: jezla  |  14-06-2020, 14:50  |  Просмотров: 204    

Illustrator Artist's Brush Anthology 5030812

Illustrator Artist's Brush Anthology 5030812


This amazing value bundle includes the following useful and innovative brush packs:
Fine Liner Brushes & Patterns - 1799465
Hand-made stipple and outline brushes and texture patterns.
Finest Vintage – Illustrator Brushes - 2344519
Authentic hatch and cross-hatch brushes sourced from real vintage material.
Watercolor Brushes - 805412
A huge range of watercolor brushes sourced from the real thing.
Tattoo Style Art Brushes - 474759
Create authentic looking Jerry Sailor style art with these awesome ink brushes.
Multi-color, Mixed Paint Brushes - 1437564
Mix multiple colors in a single brush stroke with my innovative painting system!
Outstanding Oil Paint Illustrator Brushes - 2916515
Game-changing, super-realistic oil paint brushes!
Perfect Pencils – Illustrator Brushes - 1186269
Graded graphite pencil brushes with super-realistic texture.
The Master Engraver – Brushes - 3260325
Perfect for creating your very own vintage engraving and etched designs.
The Vector Airbrush – Shader Brushes - 169701
Add organic texture shading to designs and illustrations with ease!
Modern Woodcut Brushes - 2310453
A crisp, clean, stylised version of classic woodcut brushes.
The Retro Comic Book Tool Kit - 375136
Create convincing digital comic book art using these brushes, pattern textures and more!
The Illustrator Ink Well | Brushes 3099635
The most comprehensive ink brush library available for Illustrator!
Linocut Brushes 38719
A massive linocut brush library sourced from the real thing.
Spray Paint Brushes 683063
Create your own street art using these authentically sourced spray paint brushes.
Classic Chalk - Brushes + Patterns 744644
A massive selection of real chalk made digital – with incredible texture.
Chunky Markers - Illustrator Brushes 1614172


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