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80 hand-drawn patterns for Procreate 5091208

автор: jezla  |  28-06-2020, 14:01  |  Просмотров: 167    

80 hand-drawn patterns for Procreate 5091208

80 hand-drawn patterns for Procreate 5091208

Brushset | 41 Mb

80 hand-drawn pattern brushes for Procreate for making artworks amusing and unique!
It's a massive collection of hand made patterns in three main sections: natural, circles dots, and stripes cells. All of them can be applied to a flat or shaded area on your lettering or illustration. For better experience apply patterns as a Clipping mask layer.
This brush set helps you focus on your lettering and drawing. Simply decorate your artwork — use these pattern brushes to create the perfect illustration.
! This brush box is only compatible with Procreate app ! (Procreate version 5 or later is required)
In zip file you find:
o32 x leaves, flowers, branches, birds, snowflake, stars pattern
o32 x crankles, stripes (a lot of variations), cells, herringbone pattern
o26 x circles, blots, dots, triangles (+ variations) pattern
4.ReadMe.txt file contains installation info
·iPad Pro
·Apple Pencil
Procreate app



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