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Stipple Brushes for Illustrator - 286934489

автор: jezla  |  3-11-2024, 00:48  |  Просмотров: 21    

Stipple Brushes for Illustrator - 286934489

Stipple Brushes for Illustrator - 286934489

AI| 10 Mb

Whenever you feel like stippling Ed Hardy's legacy on the canvas, you'll need a tattoo gun or a pack of matching brushes instead. And since we are no tattoo artists, the best we can do is elaborate a comprehensive toolbox of stippling brushes for your Illustrator app.
It features 8 brushes varying in dot size and density, so you can freely create shading, texture, gradients, depth, and detail. But hey, not only is the toolbox versatile and professional, but it is also a perfect match for almost endless projects. Use it to achieve detailed, textured, and intricate visuals: tattoos, botanical illustrations, comic art, vintage designs, logos, pixel art, architectural drawings, and more.
What’s inside:
·8 stippling brushes;
·bonus paper texture (JPG);
·installation guide.



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