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INKed - Photoshop Effect Kit - 2GK7TRR

автор: jezla  |  22-11-2024, 00:51  |  Просмотров: 16    

INKed - Photoshop Effect Kit - 2GK7TRR

INKed - Photoshop Effect Kit - 2GK7TRR

ABR PSD | 183 Mb


Dive into the world of artistic ingenuity with "INKed" – a truly one-of-a-kind Photoshop action that employs a layer style method to grant your designs an irresistible touch of realism with a mesmerizing ink effect. Say hello to design brilliance as your vectors, logos, texts, and every creative element come to life with an enchanting splash of ink-inspired magic. Unleash the artist within, for "INKed" is the ultimate creative companion that welcomes designers of all levels with open arms – no prior skills required! Embrace the freedom of effortless creativity and let your imagination soar to new heights. Now is the time to claim your artistic prowess with "INKed" – seize the opportunity to infuse your designs with unparalleled charm, and let your creativity shine. Don't wait any longer – buy now and watch as time bends in your favor, saving you countless hours of design work and opening a gateway to design enchantment!
--- What's included :
·Landscape Inked PSD (3000X2000px, 300Dpi, High Resolution)
·Potrait Inked PSD (2000X3000px, 300Dpi, High Resolution)
·25 Splatter brushes (Dynamic and Static)
·Help Files
--- What's make this product awesome :
·Easy to use.
·Produces beautiful and professional effects.
·Includes 16 ink textures.
·Offers 3 stroke ink settings. -Comes with 25 splatter brushes.
·Provides 5 paper textures.
·Supports unlimited color options.
·Fully editable.
·Delivers a unique and professional effect.
·Detailed instruction files are included.



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