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Photoshop Gouache Brushes Collection - 17648197

автор: jezla  |  12-02-2025, 00:45  |  Просмотров: 16    

Photoshop Gouache Brushes Collection - 17648197

Photoshop Gouache Brushes Collection - 17648197

ABR PSD | 134 Mb


Steeped in sophistication, these brushes emulate the distinct texture and fluidity of real gouache paints. Their elegance coupled with superior versatility makes them an exceptional tool for any digital artist. They'll transform your art canvas into a soothing realm of creativity and beauty.

The 12 gouache brushes, together with the canvas with paper texture, are combined harmoniously to bring the tactile, earthy quality of traditional gouache painting into the digital realm. Every stroke of these brushes promises to render sophisticated and elegant illustrations, making every piece of art you create a testament to your mastery and finesse. With these tools in your creative arsenal, prepare to transcend the ordinary, and welcome a world of soft, tender, and enchanting visuals. The magic of traditional painting is at your fingertips with our Photoshop Gouache Brushes!

What’s inside?

12 gouache brushes;
canvas with paper texture;
3000х2000px, 300dpi;
help file.



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