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Procreate Oil Pastel Brushes - 291055223 - 6QUNEUV

автор: jezla  |  18-02-2025, 00:16  |  Просмотров: 13    

Procreate Oil Pastel Brushes - 291055223 - 6QUNEUV

Procreate Oil Pastel Brushes - 291055223 - 6QUNEUV

Brushset | 64 Mb


A brush collection with a vibe of English classic literature isn't a joke. We've embraced our fascination with Charlotte Bronte, Jane Austen, Sons and Lovers, and the artistic worlds of Procreate Folio and DeviantArt into an actual digital drawing experience. The set features 10 Procreate brushes celebrating the subtlety and smooth touch of oil pastels. As you layer them over the paper, you'll get as close to traditional painting as ever: strokes lay softly, allowing for seamless transitions and expressive depth in every stroke.

These brushes are a pleasure to use and far easier than working with traditional Sennelier or Holbein oil pastels. They're perfect for portraits, landscapes, still life, and abstract compositions, yet they also shine beyond digital painting. Use them for textured backgrounds, soft gradients, pastel-on-paper effects, collages, zine layouts, editorial designs, and mood boards. Lastly (however, some might find it the best use of the collection), you can use the brushes to draw children's book characters and use playful storybook settings.

What’s inside?

10 oil pastel brushes;
bonus paper texture;
installation guide.



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