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CM - Ink spots brushes 352709

автор: GFXander  |  8-09-2015, 00:35  |  Просмотров: 83 576    

CM - Ink spots brushes 352709

CM - Ink spots brushes 352709
AI, EPS | 12.77 MB

Give your designs some ink spots with these great brushes.
In bundle also included marker pen and ink brushes (see preview).
I think that ink spots and markers it's must have for designer who create in grunge, vintage and in any others styles.
Easy to use!

100% Vector
Create from real materials.
You can use it for commercial purposes (use it for drawing, decoration and other in your works that you create for sale, but not for resale of brushes like the product).

Here's what's included:

31 ink spots brushes in AiCS2 format + EPS10 file
28 ink pen brushes in AiCS2 format + EPS10 file
Brushes preview (also with brushes how on the preview in JPG and AiCS2)
Well, how to use:
1) Unzip archive
2) In Adobe Illustrator go to the window- brush libraries- other library and locate brushes ( all brushes located in folder by name "59 Brushes (FILES FOR OPENING IN BRUSH LIBRARY)")
3) That's all. Enjoy!


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