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CM - Stipple Shading Brushes for PS & AI 440284

автор: GFXander  |  22-11-2015, 22:27  |  Просмотров: 57 775    

CM - Stipple Shading Brushes for PS & AI 440284

CM - Stipple Shading Brushes for PS & AI 440284
ABR, AI, EPS | 32.84 MB

Stipple shading is a classic method for adding textured shading to a pen and ink illustration. It looks incredible, but takes time, patience and a steady hand. Some of us simply don't have those things, but it doesn't mean your illustrations have to be stippless!

Introducing Stipple Shading Brushes for Photoshop and Illustrator! This is a brand new set that features 30 PS brushes and 30 AI brushes. That's right, no one is left out. You can create amazing stipple effects within Photoshop and control the size, spread, angle, and scatter of each brush. You can also create vector stipple shades easily within Illustrator. These brushes can be scaled to any size and remain 100% vector.

You'll receive:

30 Photoshop Stipple Brushes
30 Illustrator Vector Stipple Brushes
A handy instruction file.


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