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Celine - Chic Ligature Sans & Extras - 4896262

автор: jezla  |  7-05-2020, 21:04  |  Просмотров: 112    

Celine - Chic Ligature Sans & Extras - 4896262

Celine - Chic Ligature Sans & Extras - 4896262


Celine is a beautiful and stylish sans serif font that comes with a huge number of alternate letters, ligatures, full language support so you can use it for whatever project you are working on. I have been working on this font for quite some time and I have included 258 different alternate letters and ligatures for you. Using them will make your design unique and different. But it doesn't end there, I have included over 240 hand-drawn graphics organic shapes, lines, foliage, and line art so you can complement your designs and client projects.
Celine - Chic Ligature SansFont includes:
·CelineSans.otf - Main font with 258 ligatures and alternates for an amazing look for all your projects
·258 Ligatures & Alternate letters
·Over 240 hand-drawn graphics, organic shapes, lines, foliage, and line art
·Lowercase and Uppercase letters
·Numerals & Punctuation
·Accented characters
Web Font Kit is included as well


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