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Awesome Bundles | 35 Best Seller Font Collection

автор: jezla  |  13-06-2021, 14:30  |  Просмотров: 162    

Awesome Bundles | 35 Best Seller Font Collection

Awesome Bundles | 35 Best Seller Font Collection

OTF TTF | 16 Mb

The fonts in this bundle are perfect for fashion assignments, branding cosmetics, boutique, Birthday Cards, Christmas Cards, Cricut Crafts, Cutting Boards, Gifts, Paper Crafts, Scan N Cut Crafts, Silhouette, craft, branding, headings, signatures, logos, blogs, social media, merchandise, signage, labels, magazine, posters, badges, and more!

Features :

– Uppercase & Lowercase

– Numerals

– Punctuations (OpenType Standard)

– Accents (Multilingual characters)

– Ligatures and Alternate

– Works on PC & Mac

– Simple installations

– Accessible in the Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, even works on Microsoft Word.

Product Included:

1. Hello Snowy 1038080 handwritten font

2. Grandia - 1038098 handbrush font

3. Ratcliffer - 1054290 modern script font

4. Perky Dream - 1054183

5. Western - 1078115 script font

6. Sweet Puppy - 1078091

7. Northing - 1090093 script

8. Ralynda - 1090084 calligraphy

9. Bathiora - 1102119 handwritten font

10. Creamy Buttermilk - 1102130 casual handwritten font

11. Clatterson - 1113251 monoline script

12. Best Valentine - 1131757 handwritten font

13. Katracy - 1131759 bold script font

14. Getting Better - 1152259

15. Beauty Hearts - 1140504 modern calligraphy font

16. Rastella - 1152422 monoline calligraphy

17. Baby Sparkle - 1167139 handwritten font

18. Wakanda - 1167152 bold script font

19. Claresta - 1179825 handwritten signature

20. Barley - 1193133 monoline calligraphy

21. Haster - 1193126 display font

22. Memphis - 1214414 modern script font

23. Hello Viktoria - 1220096 handwritten script font

24. Darling - 1245951 handwritten font

25. Latterday - 1258936 elegant script font

26. Replay Time - 1271372 handwritten font

27. Thom Rodger - 1282123 handbrush font

28. Hazelnuts - 1293310 handwritten font

29. Asgerion - 1293483 display font trio

30. Bigdino Park - 1294875 a playful font

31. Magderyna - 1308069 modern calligraphy font

32. Hunting - 1314204 monoline script font

33. Boost Display - 1329972 display modern font

34. Momy & Marsa - 1341857 handwritten font

35. Kingston Signature - 1341869 stylish script font



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