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Brendie 3D - 288089132 - KLJ3LTV

автор: jezla  |  29-10-2024, 00:57  |  Просмотров: 18    

Brendie 3D - 288089132 - KLJ3LTV

Brendie 3D - 288089132 - KLJ3LTV


Brendie 3D Font: Bold, Geometric, and Contemporary
Modern Sans-Serif with Geometric and Grotesque Forms Brendie 3D is a modern sans-serif font that combines sharp geometric structure with grotesque elements, creating a clean, precise design that offers a sense of order and neutrality. The geometric forms lend the font a strong, structured appearance, while the grotesque style introduces versatility, making it adaptable to a wide range of design projects. This font stands out with its minimalist elegance and bold statement.
Enhanced with a Striking 3D Effect The addition of a 3D effect takes Brendie 3D to the next level, adding depth and dimension that enhances its visual impact. The three-dimensional quality brings the font to life, giving it a sense of weight and presence. This striking effect makes Brendie 3D ideal for contemporary branding, digital projects, and promotional materials that aim to capture attention with a bold and modern aesthetic.
Versatile for Contemporary Branding and Digital Projects Brendie 3D is perfect for projects that require a modern, clean look with a powerful visual presence. Whether it’s branding, website design, digital media, or posters, the font’s sleek design and 3D effect ensure it stands out in both digital and print formats. Its balanced combination of geometric and grotesque elements offers flexibility, making it a perfect choice for designs that need a bold, impactful statement without sacrificing versatility.
What you get :
·Brendie Regular.otf & .ttf
·Brendie Outline.otf & .ttf
·Brendie Extrude Right.otf & .ttf
·Brendie Extrude Left.otf & .ttf


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