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Moon Swing - Futuristic Type - 13411010

автор: jezla  |  24-12-2024, 23:32  |  Просмотров: 22    

Moon Swing - Futuristic Type - 13411010

Moon Swing - Futuristic Type - 13411010

OTF TTF | 1 Mb

Moon Swing is a thin-minimalist style typography that embodies both modernism and futurism. The simplicity and clean forms combined with the decorative curves convey a futuristic aspect that represents the future.
The sans-serif styling and the font's light strokes and gentle curves give this font a clean and elegant look. The corners of the letterforms are rounded to provide a precise geometric feel, making it perfect for applications where a contemporary look is required.
This typeface is perfect for an elegant logo, branding, fashion brand, luxury brand, layout magazine, beauty product, packaging product, quotes, or simply as a stylish text overlay to any background image.
What's Included?
·Uppercase & Lowercase
·Numbers & Punctuation
·Ligature (Bonus)
·Multilingual Support
·Format File : TTF & OTF


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