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Quick Align - Layer Positioning made easy

автор: jezla  |  3-10-2022, 12:55  |  Просмотров: 107    

Quick Align - Layer Positioning made easy

Quick Align - Layer Positioning made easy

CCX | 1 Mb


Photoshop 2021 or newer
Quick Align provides several tools for speeding up your workflow when it comes to positioning layers. Photoshop's built-in align & distribute functions are limited, so this plugin offers more options for common use cases. In addition to that, you can stack layers in rows or columns, swap layer positions, copy layers to the corners of your canvas or make them fit to a desired area with one click. Lastly, Quick Align also lets you arrange layers in a circle while providing various options, which directly update the result when changed. For each panel section, you can select one tool for quick-access so that you can use it without expanding the section every time.
·Customizable Interface (hide sections & settings, select quick-access function)
·Unit Value Inputs (px, cm, inch, %, etc.)
·Live Updates for most functions (changing settings updates result immediately)
·Theme awareness (matches all 4 color schemes of Photoshop)
·Process Layers either in order of the layer panel or by position on canvas
·Precisely set the center point for circular arrangement
Panel Sections:
·General Settings: Set padding & gap
·Duplicate: Create copies with 1 click
·Align: Align & distribute layers
·Stack: Line up layers in rows / columns
·Fit Size: Shrink or grow layers to fit the area
·Move to corners: Duplicate & rotate layer to fit in each corner
·Swap: Switch layer positions
Arrange Circular: Rotate layers to create circles



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