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Pencil Scribble FX Photoshop Plugin - 49149396

автор: jezla  |  25-11-2023, 13:34  |  Просмотров: 76    

Pencil Scribble FX Photoshop Plugin - 49149396

Pencil Scribble FX Photoshop Plugin - 49149396


Plugin for Adobe Photoshop CC – Multilingual – works with any Image This effect works perfectly on any kind of Image, Texts, Paintings, Illustrations and Photos, but there has to be highlights and shadows for it to be working correctly at full potential. Scribble FX has been realized using real handmade scribbles specifically designed for giving consistent results.
Create Amazing Scribble Art
The Plugin not always creates a decent result on the first try: after experimenting with it on several image types is possible that you’ll need to add extra manual work in order to achieve a professional result. In general the picture needs to have decent contrast, and the subject be well defined.
The user can reveal different Layers of Scribbles and effects, textures and details to create a unique artwork depending on the objective. It’s very easy to change the color of the scribbles or the background



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