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Thehungryjpeg - Colored Diamonds - Photoshop Styles - 98022

автор: jezla  |  3-04-2020, 21:53  |  Просмотров: 183    

Thehungryjpeg - Colored Diamonds - Photoshop Styles - 98022

Thehungryjpeg - Colored Diamonds - Photoshop Styles - 98022

ASL | 84 Mb

Colored Diamonds layer styles set features 32 Elegant and sparkly options. These are compatible with Photoshop CS5 to CC, and can convert your text and elements into attractive high end designs.
Some layer styles work better on darker backgrounds and some are better on lighter ones. There is 1 .ASL file, compressed into 1 .ZIP file (over 80MB in size).
In order to use the layer styles, you unzip the file and place the .ASL files in your presets>styles directory for the Adobe Photoshop version you use, or you can load them directly from the program. The textures that were used in these sets at 300 PPI, so they are high resolution.



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