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Premium Gold Texture Package - FU257L8

автор: jezla  |  7-05-2024, 01:29  |  Просмотров: 45    

Premium Gold Texture Package - FU257L8

Premium Gold Texture Package - FU257L8

JPG | 1 Gb


The perfect background and texture should complement the overall aesthetic of your design. It needs to be versatile, easily recognizable, and capable of enhancing various spaces, media types, sizes, and backgrounds without losing its essence. Just like in this design, where realistic shadows and textures are seamlessly incorporated. High-resolution images form the basis of these backgrounds and textures, resulting in an elegant and distinctive appearance. They are suitable for a wide range of applications including flyers, web design, presentations, prints, advertisements, and social media posts.
In conveying information effectively, backgrounds and textures play a crucial role. They serve as the canvas upon which your design is presented, providing context and visual appeal. Backgrounds and textures are more than just visual concepts; they represent the actual appearance of a product design or the essence of an idea in its original form.
Here's what's included:
·25 JPG Gold Texture
·25 JPG Rose Texture
·25 JPG Pale Texture
·25 JPG Silver Texture
·High Resolution / 6000x4000 px / 300dpi
·Realistically Crafted Background Textures



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