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Dosch Design Textures: Industrial Design V3

автор: Bolikostmen  |  28-11-2013, 19:04  |  Просмотров: 122 284    

Dosch Design Textures: Industrial Design V3

Dosch Design Textures: Industrial Design V3
JPEG | Textures | 873 MB

Realism is key when depicting surfaces and material properties in product and industrial design projects. Only if a proposal or prototype looks realistic and professional, the target audience will be convinced of their merits.

DOSCH Textures: Industrial Design V3 contains more than 300 high-resolution texture layers which can be combined to realistic looking surfaces. Use them for design and visualization projects in the industrial field, for product depictions and for material-related effects. All textures are seamless tileable.

The materials in this texture library include:
synthetics, wood, nylon fabric, carbon/fiber glas, leather, varnished surfaces, rubber, glass (structure and plain), paper, brushed metals and more.

The high-resolution multi-layer textures include all relevant shader-maps for the material properties like the color-map and the bump-map. They render surfaces with a very realistic appearance and look.

It is especially because of the high resolution (at least 1024x1024 pixel - most have 2048x2048 pixel) and the inherent high degree of detail, that these textures are "a must" for any serious 3D-designer. All texture layers can directly be used in most 3D-animation and CAD applications.
The textures are provided in the JPEG-format with the highest quality-settings.
All textures are license-free and can therefore be used without any additional cost in all* commercial productions.


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