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Vintage Collection - for After Effects and Premiere

автор: grin-grey  |  16-05-2023, 17:38  |  Просмотров: 41    

Vintage Collection - for After Effects and Premiere

Vintage Collection
After Effects , Premiere Pro | AEP, MOGRT | File Size 2,56 GB

A pack of vintage film slideshow templates for After Effects with a slideshow creator tool. The Premiere Pro version supports only individual slides.
Slides – Vintage Collection is a slideshow creator tool with a revolutionary music recognition algorithm and award-winning design.
Slides have changed the game forever. Now you can create a perfectly edited slideshow in less than 1 minute!
It is not your all-size-fits-all stock slideshow.
Slides will analyze your music, and recommend the best amount of photos and videos to use.
After that, you can select a folder with photos and videos, and the plugin will do the rest: edit animations to match your music, place auto-resized photos inside placeholders, and deliver your slideshow on a silver plate.
You can customize the order of photos and videos. You can also replace any individual slides after the slideshow has been created. Everything is 100% editable. You’ll get a composition with pre-comps, layers, and controls. The same one if you would create it manually.
Did the client change the music at the last moment? Not a problem. Rerun the slideshow creator and get a completely new slideshow.
There are more than 1,000,000 possible unique combinations you could create.


Посетители, находящиеся в группе Гости, не могут оставлять комментарии к данной публикации.

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Материалы, размещенные на сайте www.fotovideoeffect.com, принадлежат авторам, которые их разместили.
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Если Вы считаете, что какой-либо из материалов нарушает ваши права, свяжитесь с администрацией.

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