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Videohive - Titles Pro v3 - 34872698 - Project for DaVinci Resolve

автор: grin-grey  |  16-08-2023, 22:58  |  Просмотров: 51    

Videohive - Titles Pro v3 - 34872698 - Project for DaVinci Resolve

Videohive - Titles Pro v3 - 34872698
DaVinci Resolve Version 17 and higher | Resizable | No Plugin | 460.5 MB

Meet Titles Pro, the indispensable pack of animated titles for any project. Here you can find more than 1500 templates, such as:
1. Minimal Titles, Lower Thirds, Sale, Quotes, Callouts – available in the project since the V1; will greately emphasise
your project with unique design. Perfectly suits for vlogs or ads – your video will stand out everywhere!
2. Liquid, Digital, Glitch, Kinetic Titles and Ready-Scenes — were added in the V2 update; now you can step to the next level
with professional animation – use trendy titles for your digital artwork, social media posts, branding projects,
freelance for clients or just for fun!
3. Color, Fashion, Sports, Cinematic, Countdowns, Stomps, Typographic Details, Camera Viewfinders, Backgrounds – are the new categories
from our fresh update, V3! Promote your clothing brand or a lookbook with Fashion Category. Run a sport channel with
Sports templates. Make a professional movie or trailer with Cinematic titles. Use customised meters, timers and clocks
in our new Countdowns category. Create a dynamic title, animated by a character, word or line with the Stomps.
Add spice to your design with the Typographic Details Category. Use new camera Viewfinders to add a
filming effect. And finally the Backgrounds – different gradients and shapes, divided into light,
dark and tinted. Now you can use these animated templates in any area of
your work and create a masterpiece never seen before!
Another great feature of Titles Pro – you can combine templates together.
Mix & Match elements to get interesting combinations of templates and save time. You can mix any title with any
background and any details template – we designed them to match and work for you.
The project is compatible with 4K, so your titles will look sharp even on a big screen! Our team has made dedicated
work to make this update convenient for most users – from pro editors to beginners.
Use it anywhere: Youtube, Instagram Stories or Posts, Blogs, Presentations, Advertising, TV, Movies, Music Videos,
Tik Tok or product promos! Titles Pro is designed to suit any task you can possibly have…see for yourself!


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