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FilmConvert Nitrate v3.11 for After Effects & Premiere Pro

автор: grin-grey  |  8-09-2023, 19:02  |  Просмотров: 50    

FilmConvert Nitrate v3.11 for After Effects & Premiere Pro

FilmConvert Nitrate v3.11
After Effects , Premiere Pro , Final Cut Pro and more | File Size 576.4 MB

Create film romance on your next digital video using the FilmConvert plugin for Premiere Pro & After Effects. Our software seamlessly fits
into your current Adobe workflow, helping you quickly and easily achieve professional results. We’ve optimized our plugin to work
cross-platform, as well as being utterly up-to-date with Adobe Creative Cloud 2015 or later.
It is designed with full custom curve controls for each of the FilmConvert film stocks, so you can create precisely the look you want:
modify highlight and shadow roll-offs or even design your film stock from scratch. Nitrate now uses an entire Log image processing
pipeline so that you can retain the full dynamic range of your footage through the grading process.
We work with a wide range of popular cameras to deliver the most precise picture profiles available. We then use those profiles to
match your chosen film stocks to create a stunning and accurate result. Our Camera Packs contain accurate data for each
Camera Picture Style so we can tailor each film stock to your camera, allowing authentic Film Stock looks across a
wide range of cameras and settings. We continue to work directly with camera companies to bring you the latest profiles.
Overview of FilmConvert Nitrate 3 for After Effects & Premiere Pro Features
Filmmakers love the built-in FilmConvert film stocks for their authentic look, but sometimes you want more control over the final image.
You can now adjust the appearance of the grain individually in the highlights, mid-tones, and shadows.
New Nitrate features – print density film emulation, advanced grain controls
Choose from our range of precise Camera Profiles, matched to your camera.
Industry leading quality grain, scanned at 6K to give the best results.
Motion and Photographic.
Color Positive, Negative + Reversals.
Create & export 3D LUTS using FilmConvert for on-set use.


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