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Cinepacks Vintage Scan FX

автор: grin-grey  |  27-09-2023, 12:40  |  Просмотров: 46    

Cinepacks Vintage Scan FX

Cinepacks Vintage Scan FX
After Effects , Premiere Pro , Final Cut Pro and more | Resolution 4K | File Size 4,07 GB

Over 150 hand-scanned and custom animated overlays for your next video project! We spent countless hours finding high quality
texts, maps and blueprints to scan and made all these highly customizable motion effects that you can use to make any
video unique. Combine clips to make more custom effects, change the color of the files, or use the alternate
versions together with the clean vintage scans and enhance your video edits!
Use these animations as backgrounds, title sequences, transitions or just general overlays – the potential is limitless
14 animations from gun manuals and diagrams
52 animations from maps and blueprints
58 animations of text, characters, signs, and sketches
8 animated textures
22 animations from vehicle blueprints
We've included alternate versions of the animated scans with additional textures and glitches added through an analog distorter.
Just drag & drop these clips over your footage and adjust the blending mode to "screen".
You'll have high quality animations without needing to animate anything yourself!


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