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The Cutaway Shirt Mock-up 1322175

автор: jezla  |  28-03-2017, 02:35  |  Просмотров: 17 459    

The Cutaway Shirt Mock-up 1322175

The Cutaway Shirt Mock-up 1322175

PSD | 97 mb

Replace invaluable time and expensive photosessions with product mock-ups to get what you need in minutes. Our mock-ups are great selling tools.

•You can choose color and edit design on (smart objects, color pickers)
•You can change all design parts with one click
•You can edit and turn on/off the background color
•Special feature: You can edit and turn on/off the tie (change color and design)
•Special feature: You can edit and turn on/off and move 3 different types of labels (change color and design)
•Special feature: You can add and edit buttons (hole, thread)
•Special feature: You can choose between 4 different backgrounds: marble, concrete, wood, dark
•Invaluable for to design or to showcase your poject to the Client
•Realistic effect thanks to unique technology of blending and great shadows effects
•Optimal and comfortable to use, and a square aspect ratio of 1: 1
•Well organized layers


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