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COMPL3X - Futuristic 3D Alphabet Kit 1147385

автор: jezla  |  29-12-2017, 15:30  |  Просмотров: 3 921    

COMPL3X - Futuristic 3D Alphabet Kit 1147385

COMPL3X - Futuristic 3D Alphabet Kit 1147385

PSD, PNG | 490 mb

COMPL3X - Futuristic 3D Alphabet Kit for Photoshop
Pre-rendered 3D characters with adjustable lights to create amazing sci-fi/tech typography.
Perfect for event posters, movie titles, album/book covers, software packaging or editorial headlines.

Key, Fill and Bottom lights are easy to adjust separately.

Set light colors directly, realtime feedback.
Control shadows and highlights for each light.
Switch off lights to achieve different looks with only one or two lights.
Change overall tone with the Ambient color layer.

Character set in 3 versions: lights, reflections, z-depth.

Edit three individual lights.
Add extra magic and richness with colored reflections.
Apply realistically distorted textures with displacement maps created from z-depth images.

Allcaps characters are around 1200px wide and 1400px high.
At 300 dpi that's 10x12cm or 4x4,5inch.

Start with a template - or import full character set as one PSD (File, Place Linked...)
Use a photoshop script to create your text automatically - or select characters using the dropdown in the properties panel (inner layer comps) and duplicate layers to create your text.
Manually reposition characters if needed
Use another photoshop script to create a layered, light-editable version.
Change light colors directly by double clicking Solid Color adjustment layers and change light intensity with preapplied Levels adjustments.

Smallcaps: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
Numbers: 0123456789
Extras: !?/,.—#&$€+:'


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