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Isolated Summer Items - 1777077

автор: jezla  |  3-06-2020, 15:16  |  Просмотров: 106    

Isolated Summer Items - 1777077

Isolated Summer Items - 1777077

PSD PNG JPG | 3000x2000 | 991 mb

Isolated Summer Items
A set of isolated summer items: towel, hat, leaf, sunflower, slippers, sand, summer box, sand bucket, sand rake, coconut, toy shovel, lighthouse decoration, coral, sand toys, vintage box, flower, petal, suglasses, rubber duck, wooden decoration, compass, raspberry, rose petal, wooden heart, etc. All images are with a transparent background, converted to smart objects, with transparent shadow on a separate layer (top view).
Is all you need to create beautiful presentations, hero images, headers, flyers, banners, mockups, great for blogs and websites. Present your projects in an interesting and attractive way to your clients. Great for different projects like: summer, spa, relaxation, zen, etc.
7 PSD files
·Size 3000x2000px 300ppi
·Contain isolated images on categories
·Each PSD is Layered and Grouped
·Each Group contain the object and the shadow both converted to Smart Object and linked together
·Smart objects are resized down at 50%, so you can scale up to x2 of objects size
·The Shadow is transparent so you can place it on any background and you can also hide it, or color it with color overlay, or reduce opacity to fit your design
·Adobe Photoshop CS2 or Higher
69 PNG Files
·Saved at 300ppi with transparent background and no shadow
Each PNG is named just like in PSD and saved in a group with the same name like the PSD file



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