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Soccer Uniform Animated Mockup - 26561446

автор: jezla  |  9-06-2020, 22:14  |  Просмотров: 170    

Soccer Uniform Animated Mockup - 26561446

Soccer Uniform Animated Mockup 26561446

PSD | 5000x3000 | 532 mb

For clubs, for teams, for countries, for all football fans – the New Soccer Uniform Animated Mockup. 360° rotation, customizable design of each part through a smart objects, synthetic gloss effect for fabric and control of light and shadows in the scene.
Requirements: Adobe Photoshop CC+

Product includes:
·1 psd with animated mockup;
·3 psd with static mockup (front, back and side view);
·instructions.txt (with links to video-tutorials);

Animation type:
·looped animation of 360° rotation;

Editable elements:
·t-shirt color and design (collar, sleeves, stripes on sleeves; bottom stripe, body);
·shorts color and design (main part, bottom stripes);
·threads color;
·background color and design;
Save animation as:
·animated gif;
·HD video mp4;
·jpg, png sequence;

·Patterns and textures used in previews are not included in product;
·When using complex patterns for the design of soccer uniform, some distortions of the texture overlay during animation are possible;
·Work with 3D objects can cause errors in Photoshop. We recommend to follow the video instructions when you working with this mockup;
·Make sure that you have enough space on the active scratch disk (more than 50 GB) and that the computer’s RAM isn’t currently occupied by other applications than Photoshop;
If you have the opportunity, use this mockups on a more powerful computer.



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