Christmas Watercolor Caracters - 5262121
автор: jezla | 6-08-2020, 17:06 | Просмотров: 149
Christmas Watercolor Caracters - 5262121
PNG, JPG, PSD | 918 mb
.Christmas Watercolor Caracters
·with hand drawn watercolor cute animals, floral christmas elements, bouquets, wreaths, frames and borders, pre-made cards.
With this file you will be able to create awesome and unique greeting cards, invitations, logos, posters, Christmas designs, scrapbooking design and any type of designs. Watercolor paintings scanned at high resolution and have transparent background.
You can also get unlimited and great designs using them together. I hope you'll enjoy it!
·85 PNG elemants
·6 PNG gnomes
·14 PNG cartoon characters
·13 PNG compositions
·4 JPEG pre-made cards
·9 PNG frames, arrangements and borders
·10 PNG bouquets
·12 PNG geometry frames
11 PNG wreaths
.Christmas Watercolor Caracters
·with hand drawn watercolor cute animals, floral christmas elements, bouquets, wreaths, frames and borders, pre-made cards.
With this file you will be able to create awesome and unique greeting cards, invitations, logos, posters, Christmas designs, scrapbooking design and any type of designs. Watercolor paintings scanned at high resolution and have transparent background.
You can also get unlimited and great designs using them together. I hope you'll enjoy it!
·85 PNG elemants
·6 PNG gnomes
·14 PNG cartoon characters
·13 PNG compositions
·4 JPEG pre-made cards
·9 PNG frames, arrangements and borders
·10 PNG bouquets
·12 PNG geometry frames
11 PNG wreaths
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