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Indie Fest Flyer Template V10 - 5340976

автор: jezla  |  29-08-2020, 14:02  |  Просмотров: 217    

Indie Fest Flyer Template V10 - 5340976

Indie Fest Flyer Template V10 - 5340976

PSD | 210x297 | 44 mb

This indie Fest Flyer Template design for Photoshop is perfectly suitable for any musical events such as concerts, festivals, gigs, live bands promotion...
·1 Photoshop PSD file, 1 help file.
·A4 size (21x29.7 cm) or (8.3x11.7 inch) with bleed (21.6x30.3 cm) or (8.5x11.9 inch).
·Print Ready (CMYK, 300 DPI, bleed).
·Layers are labeled, color-coded and organized in groups for easy navigation.
·Artists Pictures not included. Replace them easily with your own stock via Smart Object.
·Free Fonts download links provided within the help file.
General tips for editing the flyer's general text and Artists Pictures:
·Text: All the text is editable by simply double-clicking on the text layer in Photoshop, and just typing in your desired information.
Artists Pictures: Double-click on the Smart Object layer « Double-click to edit », place your picture in the newly opened window and save.


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