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Juice Bottle Mockup 5325379

автор: jezla  |  10-09-2020, 12:23  |  Просмотров: 152    

Juice Bottle Mockup 5325379

Juice Bottle Mockup 5325379

PSD | 208 mb

Juice Bottle Mockup Familly --- Model Large
Professional high-resolution mockup of juice bottle. It's fully customizable and could be used for many design purposes like packaging or label presentation, print design, etc.
Place your label design via Smart-Object. Two clicks and presentation is ready. Label reflections could be changed as well. There's several options - glossy, semi-glossy & matte. Control reflection power with changing opacity of reflection layer.
7 pre-made juices available. Or you may swich juice off and leave just a empty bottle. You can change the cork color & reflections or switch it all off. 2 pre-maded bottle colors available - Amber & Green. But you may adjust your own one with color fill layer included or just leave it transparent - all up to you. Aslo you can control bottle opacity - like you can make it fully opaque or absolutely transparent.
All elements are separated, which allow this mock-up to be highly customizable. Try this out.
Main Features:
·1 PSD File
·Hight Resolution 6000x4500px.
·Change Label Design via Smart-Object layer
·4 pre-maded coffee colors.
·Empty bottle option available.
·2 pre-maded bottle colors - Amber & Green, or choose your own color.
·2 glass reflections available - Clear & Frosted.
·Adjustable bottle's opacity & transparency.
·3 label reflections available - Glossy, Semi-Glossy & Matte.
·2 pre-maded foil stamping textures available, change it color & reflection power.
·Change cork color & reflection power, or just switch it all off.
·Separate shadow layer.
·Full control over Shadow Intencity.
·Changable background color.
·3 exclusive FREE background included.
Separate background.



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