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Takeaway Paper Cups and Coffee Branding Mockup Set 27121649

автор: jezla  |  5-10-2020, 02:31  |  Просмотров: 141    

Takeaway Paper Cups and Coffee Branding Mockup Set 27121649

Takeaway Paper Cups and Coffee Branding Mockup Set 27121649

PSD | 262 mb

Check the fresh product! Make your presentation even more attractive with this Mockups Set! Create premium quality images by just dragging and dropping items in Photoshop. Present your work in a way that is visually interesting and attractive to your clients. Editable, hight realistic coffee branding theme objects to create your presentation and show your design in the best quality.
These objects will work with any background.
+ Best Quality. All mockups with super hight resolution (in 300 dpi). Perfect for print & web.
+ Insert Your Design. All you have to do is place your artwork inside the smart layers, hit save and you are done.
+ Unlimited Color Variations. You can change colors just in 2 clicks. All objects and shadows are fully separated, so you can easily play with them and create your own scenes .
You will get 12 prepared scenes.
Create your own scenes with unique items:
You can create super cool and realistic scenes by yourself. Just drag and drop items in Photoshop, replace the design into the smart object layer, change the label’s design in just a few clicks, hit save, and you are done!



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