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CreativeMarket - 30 PSD Plastic Mockup Templates 5445935

автор: jezla  |  6-11-2020, 01:11  |  Просмотров: 142    

CreativeMarket - 30 PSD Plastic Mockup Templates 5445935

CreativeMarket - 30 PSD Plastic Mockup Templates 5445935

PSD | 1.9 Gb

A unique collection of high-resolution plastic mockup templates, plastic wrap textures on which you can put any text, image, logo, etc. All the textures are photo-based which brings a natural, realistic, and analog effect to your design. Perfect for use in branding, for instance for your online shop, portfolio, and social media posts. Easy to edit via smart objects. PSD files consist of a few layers and it's easy to change the background to any color you like. There's PDF instructions file included which explains how to use the mockups and there's also a quick tip about how to add some textures to the text.
What's included:
·30 PSD files with plastic mockups
·PDF instructions file
Font file (like on the preview images)



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