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CreativeMarket - Ceramic X-mass Ball Mock-ups 5636720

автор: jezla  |  28-11-2020, 12:44  |  Просмотров: 180    

CreativeMarket - Ceramic X-mass Ball Mock-ups 5636720

CreativeMarket - Ceramic X-mass Ball Mock-ups 5636720

PSD | 28 mb

Sublimation Xmas Ceramic Ball Mock-ups
#mocca2go #xmas #mockupsset #generator #gamechanger Fully editable christmas bauble on Scenes. Unlimited possibilities of presentation & composition
The First Fully customized Mock-ups
With White Mocca mock-ups you can truly enjoy countless possibilities. All elements on mock-ups are separated and editable. If you work on advanced, demanding designs and seek for ultra realistic effects, White Mocca will fulfill your needs. Just drag and drop – it’s really simple as that. Let’s create billions of different designs! You can edit or choose: Bauble Design & Twine.
Sooo many options to choose!
One mock-up and so many angles to choose from! You get 4 different views of product to create your own Christmas Bauble. Drag and drop to put design and make outstanding presentation. Just like that? Sure, just try it.
Show it like A True Professional
Now you can present your products the way only the best global e-stores do. Every single mock-up generator was inspired by the best-selling photos and look books online. We follow digital trends and know how online marketing works. Trust us, we’re designers too.
You get milion variants in 1 product! One mock-up and so many angles to choose from! You get 4 different views of product to create your own Christmas Bauble. Drag and drop to put design and make outstanding presentation. Just like that? Sure, just try it.
Extremely Beautiful Color
Discover the first mock-ups that helps you create a great image in bright or dark tones and incredible depth of color. You don’t need any additional clicks or switches between different color versions. It all lies in our secret blending method that works phenomenal with all colors.
Your Super Realistic Design
You always wanted to make your designs as realistic as possible. Thanks to White Mocca you can create visuals that are extremely lifelike. Our mock-ups are equipped with the advanced transformation tool (for example: puppet warp transformation). We have created them with the highest precision. That provides an incredibly realistic effect on your visual. Sounds as easy as pie? It is.
Isolated Background Model on mock-ups is always isolated from the background. It means you can easily stay with white canvas, change color or simply turn it off (making transparent)
Awesome E-marketing tool
Start using mock-ups not only for design but also market researches, prototyping and reviewing. Now you can easily use our mock-up to check your customers’ reaction.



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