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CreativeMarket - Metallic Foil Logo Mockup 5805031

автор: jezla  |  20-01-2021, 13:43  |  Просмотров: 165    

CreativeMarket - Metallic Foil Logo Mockup 5805031

CreativeMarket - Metallic Foil Logo Mockup 5805031

PSD | 174 mb

Glinting metallic sparkles in your eyes are a beacon of fascinating perfection! But only if they're looking at this logo mockup, coming with an incredible realism put into it. Who said that precious metal is tacky? Not if it's used applied to your work with a sense of beauty!
Behold the collection of high-resolution metallic textures, ready to make your work shine with silver, gold, rose gold or copper shades! Speaking of color, you can also change it to the one you need or create a beautiful gradient. The embossed/debossed contouring for the objects is another helpful feature on the way of carrying out a flawless presentation! As an addition to the "dark" theme of this product, we've added 4 black paper textures so you can keep up with the elegant look the metallic foil implies. Your remarkable creations deserve to be radiant and splendid!
What's inside?
·PSD mockup file;
·hi-res foil textures (silver, gold, copper, rose gold);
·embossing/debossing effects;
·4 black paper textures;
·gradient coloring option;
·4500x3000px, 300 dpi;
help file.



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